How to clean your water filter
It’s important to clean your water filter so it can effectively keep your water fresh and clean from toxic chemicals. It is recommended that you clean your water filter every three months or so or when you notice it getting ...

Keep employees healthy with filtered water
If you own a business, one of your top priorities is to keep your employees healthy and one way to do that is to provide clean drinking water with a water filter. Water filters help to eliminate harmful chemicals out ...

How to increase the lifetime of your water filter
Water filters usually last a year or so, but you can increase the lifetime of your water filter system by doing these things: Change your water filters regularly: It is recommended that you change your water filters every 4-6 months ...

Things to think about before investing in a water filter
Water filters are a great investment, but there are some things you should think about before you invest in one. Compatibility of the water filter with your home: Most water filters are compatible with every home, but you should find ...

How much water should you be drinking a day?
Our bodies are made up of more than 50% of water so it’s important that we drink water everyday. The question is, how much water should you be drinking a day? Well, there’s a lot of factors that go into ...

Filtered water helps to improve your immune system
Water filters help to remove toxins that could cause diseases including cancer. Tap water can contain up to 2,100 different toxins. It’s important that we drink clean water to improve our immune systems and help us to not get sick ...

Filtered water helps with headaches
If you experience a lot of headaches, you’re either not drinking enough water or you’re not drinking good water. Most headaches are caused by dehydration, so it’s important that you drink a lot of water and that it’s good water ...

Filtered water is better for plants
Filtered water isn’t just good for yourself, it’s also good for your plants. Some plants are mostly composed of water so it’s important that they’re receiving good water so they can stay healthy and grow. Filtered water doesn’t contain toxins ...

Cold water vs. room temperature water
Cold water is best to drink when: Working out: When you work out, your body temperature increases. Cold water helps your body to maintain a lower temperature which results in more energy. Sweating in the heat: When you're hot, your ...

Filtered water is good for your kidneys
Kidneys are essential organs in our bodies. Kidneys main function is to help filter your blood to remove any waste products and toxins. They also help to regulate your blood pressure and produce Vitamin D. Water in general is good ...

Reasons to filter your water
Water makes up 60% and is required for multiple essential bodily functions. Here are a few reasons you should filter your water: Filtered water tastes better Water filters help to reduce the risk for certain cancers Filtered water provides clean ...

Environmental benefits of water filters
Water filters come with many benefits with one of them being environmentally-friendly. Here’s a list water filters help the environment with: Reduces fossil fuel consumption: The less plastic needed to make the water bottles, the less fossil fuel we will ...

Soft water helps to make cleaning easier
Having soft water comes with many benefits such as making cleaning easier. Soft water makes cleaning easier by reducing the amount of soap you need to clean. Soft water also helps to improve the effectiveness of disinfectants. Soft water will ...

How to test your water
It’s important to test your water to see if it contains any impurities. Each year you should be getting a CCR which is a Consumer Confidence Report. Even if the CCR says your water is free of lead, you should ...

The history of water filters
Believe it or not, water filters have been around for centuries dating back to 500 B.C.! It is believed that Hippocrates had invented the first water filter which was known as the “Hippocrates sleeve”. The invention was made out of ...