Water filters help to reduce plumbing issues

Water filters help to reduce plumbing issues

Tap water contains heavy metals and toxins. Over time, the water can cause corrosion and damage to your pipes. By investing in a water filter, your water won’t have any toxins in it and will be clean which will increase ...
Water filters help protect and preserve the environment

Water filters help protect and preserve the environment

Many plastic bottles end up in wildlife areas such as oceans, forests, rivers, etc and harm animals. That can be reduced if more people switch to water filters because less people would be buying plastic water bottles. You also save ...
Filtered water and pregnancies

Filtered water and pregnancies

Drinking clean water in general is important, but can be extremely important when pregnant. Drinking clean water decreases the chances of birthing a baby with birth defects. Studies have shown that tap water contains certain nitrates that increase the chances ...
<strong>How a Water Purification System Can Help You Reach Your Goals</strong>

How a Water Purification System Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Almost everyone knows that drinking water is important for good health, but many people struggle to drink enough water each day. If you're one of those people, a water purification system may be the perfect solution for you! A water ...
Filtered water benefits your stomach

Filtered water benefits your stomach

Owning a water filter comes with many benefits such as helping your stomach. Tap water contains many toxins such as chlorine and filtered water helps to get rid of these toxins. It’s important to have clean water when eating because ...
Filtered water strengthens your nails

Filtered water strengthens your nails

Your nails are subject to being damaged by hard water. Our nails are made up of layers of keratin. Over time, the chemicals in hard water can break down your nail beds. This can eventually cause stunted nail growth. Filtered ...
Water filters are environmentally friendly

Water filters are environmentally friendly

Owning a water filter comes with many benefits. One of the benefits is that it is environmentally friendly. When you own a water filter, you buy less water bottles because you have your own access to clean water. When you ...
Water filters help to remove chlorine from your water

Water filters help to remove chlorine from your water

If you drink tap water regularly, you are most likely intaking chlorine. Unfortunately, tap water comes with a little bit of chlorine which can lead to illnesses. Drinking water that contains chlorine can lead to a variety of cancers such ...
Signs you should change your water filter cartridge

Signs you should change your water filter cartridge

Water filter cartridges help your water filter to remove dirt and bacteria from your water. Your cartridge should be changed every 3-6 months because grime and bacteria can build up over time and slow the effectiveness of the water filter ...
Water Filters Help Protect Your Clothes

Water Filters Help Protect Your Clothes

Filtered water helps to keep our clothes clean and protected when being washed. When water is unfiltered, it can contain chlorine. When chlorine comes in contact with clothes, it can ruin them and cause the colors to fade and the ...
Filtered Water Facts

Filtered Water Facts

Filtering water is an interesting process and has many benefits. Here’s a list of some: Water bottles take too much water: To make one filtered water bottle, it takes 3 filters of water. That’s a huge waste.Water filters will save ...
Filtered Water Benefits Cooking

Filtered Water Benefits Cooking

The quality of your water could be affecting the food you cook. Unfiltered water allows chemicals and bacteria to seep into your food which will then affect the taste of the food. Here is a list of benefits from using ...
What Is Soft Water and Why Is It Important?

What Is Soft Water and Why Is It Important?

What is soft water? Soft water is a type of water that has been treated with a softening agent to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium. These minerals can cause problems in your home, including clogged pipes, spots on dishes, ...
How Filtered Water Benefits your Skin

How Filtered Water Benefits your Skin

Filtered water has many benefits for your body. One of them is cleansing your skin and making it healthier. Your skin is the largest organ and it needs to be taken care of well. Here’s a list of benefits from ...
How to Choose the Right Water Filter

How to Choose the Right Water Filter

If you’re looking into investing in a water filter, it can be hard to decide what type of water filter to get. Here are a few things to look at before deciding: Purpose for getting filtration: If you use a ...